I found this page when I was searching what was a new javascript (well new to me) term: “that”… which doesn’t really make sense unless you understand “this”. Take a quick read of the linked page if you want to know more about the javascript term: “this” http://www.quirksmode.org/js/this.html
Jose Browne Animation Tutorial
Hey all, I came across this nifty little tid-bit that shows you how to make a simple animation for your website: http://www.josebrowne.com/open/tutorial-easy-css-animations-with-animate-css
Google’s WebP
Juan Campanera shares with us this link: https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/ Very interesting approach from Google to get a new file format for images. It includes everything you would find on a PNG and is smaller than a JPG. It doesn’t have a lot of support yet, but I found some websites that are heavy on images that […]