Media queries allow you to apply the CSS differently according to the media type (type of device) and media features (viewport status). Previously, you were able to use the media type only and create websites with fixed layouts. However, smart phones, tablets, and other devices with various resolutions require a liquid layout. HTML5 now makes various characteristics and conditional defining possible, and can be used to implement responsive web design (RWD), which is a liquid layout that mainly reacts according to the device resolution.
Coders fail all day. They’re at their computers all day coding away, coding away. They have breaks, they have bugs, but they’re at their computers all day trying to fix it, fix it, fix it. At the end of 10 hours (or however long it takes for coders to do things) they have a perfect product, they have a perfect application, because they failed. If you fail a lot, the successes will be greater. — Eugene Hennie